You are being most true to yourself when you express yourself with love.
The way love manifests itself and its purpose in itself is not unique, but the way you express it in the world is different than the way anyone else does it.
So for instance, if you are a healer many people who are drawn to you are healers. But each healer must allow their unique expression of that gift to unfold and show itself to them over time.
How you express your gifts in the world will be in a way that is uniquely you. There are many ways you can express your purpose. You are not limited to just one way in anything in life ever.
But when you try to rush and hurry up and get there in figuring it out in your head, you are likely to feel like you are just getting more of the same and even going around in circles.
It doesn't have to be this way. If it feels like it is this way in your life now, then in all likelihood you are resisting something - resisting being completely open, and resisting hearing what you need to hear because it is uncomfortable.
Things are changing and they are not going to be the way they have always been. This is NOT a bad thing. It is actually a good thing.
Similarly, you are not going to be the way you have always known yourself to be.
This is also a good thing, because when you allow yourself, you will open up to more and more of who you can be.
In this way, you are letting love do the talking - and being the best you can be is the truest expression of love.
Yours in love,
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